Monday, 6 June 2022

An Ultimate Guide to Dupuytren’s Contracture


The front tissue layer helps anchor and soothe the skin on the palm side of the arm. Without the fascia, the palm skin would become moveable and loose as the skin on the backside of your hand. Unfortunately, in many patients with Dupuytren’s contracture, the palmar fascia gradually starts to tighten then thicken.

Usually, Dupuytren’s first start with a lump in a tissue or under skin nodules formation in the palm. The formation of a pit follows this on the palm surface as the diseased tissue starts to pull the overlying skin.

As Dupuytren’s develops, bands of fascia grow into thick cords that lead one or more fingers into a bent position. This is known as “Dupuytren’s contracture.” Though the cords in the palm look like a muscle, the muscle is not involved in Dupuytren’s.

In other cases, the Dupuytren’s contracture develops gradually over time and may stay mild so that no Dupuytren’s contracture treatment is required. However, it gets difficult to straighten the affected fingers in severe cases. When this happens, Dupuytren’s contracture therapy is required to help reduce the contracture and enhance the motion of the affected fingers. Usually, as the contracture gets severe, the work of the fascia gets affected, and the treatment results less in full correction.

How does this look?

Dupuytren’s contracture affects the layer of connective tissue under the skin of our palm – known as fascia. Knots of this tissue are formed under the skin, which eventually creates a thick cord, resulting in one or more fingers pulling towards the palm. Usually, these two fingers are farthest from the thumb. Unfortunately, the fingers that are affected can’t be unbent totally, which complicates our everyday activities like putting our hands in pockets, putting on gloves, or just shaking hands.

What should I do?

There is no accurate answer. Some cases of Dupuytren’s contracture do not develop past the cord formation. In such cases, if the cord is not painful, then no non-surgical treatment for Dupuytren’s is required. However, surgical treatment may be recommended if the nodules develop to cords or get painful. Surely, if flexion contractures grow, restraining the delay of affected fingers, one must look for some medical attention.

How is Dupuytren’s contracture treated?

The healthcare provider creates a care plan based on:

Your past health, age, and overall health

How serious is the condition?

How well you can handle medicines, treatments, or Dupuytren’s contracture therapy

What you would like to do

There is no exact cure for Dupuytren’s contracture. The medical condition is not dangerous until it gets very serious. Many people don’t get the right treatment. But Dupuytren’s contracture treatment slows the disease or helps ease the symptoms.

Dupuytren’s contracture treatment includes:

Surgery. This is the most common treatment for severe cases. It is done when you do partial use of the affected hand. For example, in Dupuytren’s contracture surgery, the doctor cuts your affected hand and removes the cord. This improves the flexibility of the fingers. However, some people experience the returning of contractures which requires surgery again.

Steroid shot. If the lump is painful, the steroid injection helps ease the pain. In other cases, it stops the condition from getting worse. However, you may have to take the injection frequently.

Radiation therapy. Dupuytren’s contracture treatment is not that common in the U.S. Here a low energy X-rays are focused on the cords. This is the best treatment for the early stage of the disease. It softens the nodules and helps keep the contractions from happening again.

Enzyme injection. This is a modern, less invasive treatment performed by a specially trained doctor. First, the surgeon injects the medicine in the area to numb your hand. Then the enzyme is jabbed in the lump of your tissue. It takes several hours to break and dissolve the hard bands. This allows the fingers to loosen and straighten when the surgeon breaks the nodules, usually the following day.

Needle aponeurotomy. This is another modern, less invasive Dupuytren’s contracture therapy. Medicines are injected in the area that numbs your hand. The surgeon then uses a needle to split the affected tissue.

What are the complications in Dupuytren’s contracture?

The doctor will let you know about each of the risks with you and take précised measures to help prevent possible complications. Possible complications and risks of surgery include:



Injury to nerves and blood vessels

Wound infection


Loss of sense. Temporary loss of sensation resulting from stretching of nerves contracted for a long time.

Loss of feasibility of the affected finger 


Some patients must wait before the non-surgical treatment for Dupuytren’s rather than jumping for a treatment that can be costly, take your time, and may have some side effects. The tests empower you to accurately measure whether the condition worsens and, hence, whether it is the right time for you to think about different Dupuytren’s contracture treatments for early progressive Dupuytren’s disease.

How to treat Tennis Elbow and what are the causes


The medical term of tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis. This condition generally happens when the muscles in the elbow are burdened by monotonous motions of the arm and the wrist.

Causes and symptoms

People suffering from tennis elbow feel the strains in the muscles when a person uses to hold a racket or ball. However, the tennis elbow doesn’t occur due to playing tennis or any sport in most cases. Instead, any activity that includes a holding and twisting motion leads to this strain.

Tennis elbow normally happens because of repetitive arm movement. Plumbers, carpenters, and painters are particularly susceptible.

Symptoms of tennis elbow vary from person to person and range from minor to severe. A typical symptom involves pain in the arm and soreness near the elbow.

A person notices swelling and burning sensation near the elbow. They also find that their holding ability becomes weaker and feel pain down the arm.

Prolongation repetitive arm movement causes strain making the condition worse.

Remedies for tennis elbow

There are different natural remedies for tennis elbow that you can try to reduce elbow pain, heal quickly, and avoid this problem again.


The following exercises for elbow joint pain relief help rehabilitate tennis elbow:

  1. Wrist turn

To perform this exercise:

Bend the elbow to 90 degrees.

Stretch your hand out, facing up palm.

Twist your wrist around slowly until your palm is facing down.

Hold the spot for 5 seconds.

Repeat this exercise for tennis elbow relief ten times a day.

  1. Wrist turn with weight

This exercise is the same as the wrist above. But, in this type, the person holds a lightweight, like a small dumbbell or a container of food.

  1. Wrist lift, palm up

Grip a small amount of weight like a small dumbbell or a small water container.

Fold your elbow at a right angle.

Stretch your hands outwards with the palm facing up.

Fold your wrist up towards the body.

Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then release gradually.

Repeat this home remedies for tennis elbow at least ten times a day.

  1. Elbow bend

Stand straight with lowering the hands to one side.

Slowly fold the arm up until your hand touches the shoulder.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Repeat this elbow pain home treatment at least ten times a day.

  1. Wrist extensor stretch

Raise your arm straight, right in front of your body.

With your palm facing down, slowly fold your wrist down.

Using the other hand, slowly pull the hand back near your body.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Stretch your wrist again.

Repeat these natural remedies for tennis elbow twice a day.

  1. Wrist extensor flex

Raise your arm straight, right in front of your body.

With the palm facing down, slowly fold the wrist upwards.

Using the other hand, slowly pull the hand back near your body.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Stretch your wrist again.

Repeat twice.

Repeat this exercise for tennis elbow relief twice a day.

  1. Fist squeeze

Use a rolled up towel or a tennis ball and hold it in your palm for few minutes.

Hold the ball with your fingers and make a fist.

Squeeze tightly for 10 seconds and release slowly.

Repeat these natural remedies for tennis elbow twice a day.

  1. Towel twist

Hold a roughly rolled-up towel end-to-end, with one hand on each end.

Keep your shoulders stress free.

Turn your towel by moving your hands in the opposite directions, as if soaking out water.

Repeat this exercise ten times in the reverse direction.

When to visit a doctor

Many people treat the swelling and pain caused by tennis elbow with rest and medication. However, if the pain gets severe or does not getaway in 2 weeks, a person must see a doctor.

A doctor also prescribes a different NSAID or a steroid injection in a severe state. Most patients only require one injection, though they may require more rest to their elbow around 2-3 weeks later. Pain worsens after a steroid injection, but this improves within 48 hours.

Some people face a lot of difficulties in performing their day-to-day activities due to tennis elbow. A doctor recommends physical therapy for elbow joint pain relief in such cases. A specialist also provides treatments and other exercises to improve motion and decreases pain.

A doctor also recommends a supportive band or brace. This helps reduce the strain on the elbow if repetitive movements are necessary for their work.


If the physical exercise of the forearms seems to deteriorate the symptoms of tennis elbow, a person can try:

Resting their arm for some time.

Using an ice pack on the affected arm to help decrease swelling of arm.

Taking medication like ibuprofen for the tennis elbow relief of inflammation and pain.

Consulting a doctor makes sure they are doing the exercises properly.

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