Monday, 3 April 2023

Types of CT Scan Available in Radolabs

 Types of CT Scan

If you are sick and you are visiting a doctor, without seeing the inner part of the body he cannot give you any suggestion or treatment. For a perfect treatment he needs imaging technology. It might be an X- ray or ultrasound or ct or mri.

CT (Computed Tomography) tomography is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays and computer algorithms to produce detailed images of the body's internal structures. The process involves the patient lying on a motorized table that moves through a circular opening in the CT scanner.

The scanner emits a series of X-ray beams that pass through the body, and detectors on the other side of the scanner measure the amount of radiation that passes through the body.

The computer then uses this information to generate a detailed, cross-sectional image of the body part being scanned. The resulting images are incredibly detailed and can reveal details that may not be visible on other imaging tests.

CT tomography is used to diagnose a wide range of medical conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and bone and joint problems. It is also used to guide biopsies and other medical procedures. CT scans can be performed on various parts of the body, including the brain, chest, abdomen, and pelvis.

Although CT scans are generally considered safe, they do involve exposure to ionizing radiation, which can increase the risk of cancer. However, the benefits of the scan usually outweigh the risks, especially if it is necessary for diagnosis or treatment.

Here is the list of types of ct scan taken for study and observation.

  • CT Scan Abdomen

  • CT Angiography

  • CT Scan Arthrography

  • CT Scan Bones

  • CT Scan Brains / CT Scan Head

  • CT Scan Chest / (CT Scan Lung)

  • CT Scan Neck

  • CT Scan Pelvis

  • CT Scan Renal Stones

  • CT Scan Sinus

  • CT Scan Spine

We all know that technology is going towards the next stage. So we must thank the scientists and innovators who are really working towards another advancement in healthcare technology.

Lets see about the type of CT scans and their uses 

CT Scan Abdomen:

CT imaging of the abdomen uses x-rays and many visual parts some of them are liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys. Using specialized equipment and expertise to create and interpret CT scans of lower GI Tract, colon, and rectum.

Some of the abnormalities a radiologist can identify with CT Abdomen are

  • Abscess in the abdomen

  • Inflamed Colon

  • Colon Cancer

  • Diverticulitis

  • Appendicitis

When the CT scan is completed, there is no need to check for another test or imaging. The doctors can immediately start the diagnosis and medication. 

CT's ultimate job is to see where the cancer is located, precise location and the extent of the cancer apart from the current place. 

CT Angiography

CT Angiography is a unique medical imaging test which combines CT Scan and a dye. A Dye is sent in blood vessels or tissues via IV (intravenous) in your hand or leg. The special dye is known as contrast material which lights up in the blood vessels. This technique helps the doctors to find out where the exact problem has happened. 

Risk of CT Angiography

  • There are chances of allergic reaction when the contrast body is sent through the vessels. Always keep your medical history with you so that the doctor can identify and give you special treatment as well.

  • Tissue damage : The other thing is the contrast material leaks will damage the tissue if the quantity is increased. As a result it might irritate your skin and blood vessels. Over the period of time it will get cured. 

CT Scan Arthrography 

CT arthrogram is used to identify articular cartilage surface lesions, fractures and bony avulsions. The CT is performed after joints are injected with a solution known as iodinated contrast. Usually an arthrogram is something that refers to a procedure of injecting a joint. 

Preprocedural evaluation:

Once the iodinated contrast material is inserted, the patient might get some following risk

  • Infection

  • Bleeding

  • Allergy

Usually people will not drive after the CT arthrography because in few cases local anesthesia will be given. The only reason for this prevention is in case of any emergency the doctors cannot perform any safe precautions.

CT Bone: 

Otherwise known as CAT, is an noninvasive diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, images of the body. A CT scan shows detailed images of different parts of the body. 

Types of CT Scan Available in Radolabs

  Types of CT Scan If you are sick and you are visiting a doctor, without seeing the inner part of the body he cannot give you any suggestio...